The Citizen Arena SMART-ER Citizen Science Pilot has been launched

UAB organized on 12th of September the very first face to face kick off meeting of a new citizen science project under the ECIU SMART-ER programme. In this project a group of universities will come together with the aim of co creating SMART-ER Citizen Science Pilots to raise citizens’ awareness about environmental challenges and alternative resource management options related to water, biodiversity, waste, air, climate and energy. To do this, the group will create a “Citizen Arenas” as a platform in which all these alternative options are discussed including citizens’ interests, experiences and green community needs. The Citizen Arenas connect citizens and academia with the implementation of pilot projects in which citizens can experience first hand the benefits of shifting to new patterns of energy use, waste treatment and engage in monitoring water quality, air quality and climate parameters such as urban heat. The Citizen Arenas act as an amplifier where citizens can explain to other citizens their experience and solve problems and challenges facing the community. Explanations, guidance and help will be supported by the local researchers involved in this proposal.
Researchers representing INSA Toulouse France, UAB Spain, KTU Lithuania, University of Averio Portugal, and Linkopings University Sweden all presented their work on their citizen science pilot projects for Water Quality, Air, Biodiversity, Energy, Water and Food Waste so far and what they plan to do ahead over the forthcoming months.